Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Our Easter Season

It seems as though every time I post an update, I mention how busy life is. Well, this year's Easter season was no different. But despite all the busyness, we had a wonderful Easter season.

Jason's last class before "break" was on Wednesday. The seminary began "Reading Week" which we have re-named "Research Week." Jason will be spending a lot of time with his other girlfriend, Rosie (our affectionate nickname for the Rostad Library). He will be back in class on April 1st. He had the wonderful opportunity to preach his first sermon at our church on Maundy Thursday. For those of you who are unfamiliar with Maundy Thursday, it is a service where we remember the events that took place in the Upper Room & includes a foot-washing service. Jason did a fabulous job delivering 2 messages: "The Beautiful Scandalous Night" & "The Last Lamb." It was truly a precious moment for me to see him up on the platform among the other pastors all dressed up in his suit. And then to see him completely in his element, delivering the Word of God -- it reminded me what we're here for. Thank you to Jason's family & Marcee & Nate for coming to support Jason.

The girls were very excited about this Easter season (mostly because it involved new dresses from Nana). But we did have several opportunities to share with Caleigh what makes Easter so important. It was precious for me to be in the nursery with her on Good Friday & hear her pray, thanking Jesus for dying on the cross. Jason & I got her a little pre-Easter gift -- a pink princess dress -- that she has barely taken off in the past 2 days.

Peyton wasn't quite as theologically minded this Easter season, but she has been keeping us in stitches!! She has recently developed a love affair with our vacuum cleaner. Although she has been afraid of the vacuum in the past, one day when we were leaving the house she said, "Bye-bye vacuum" over & over again. The next morning, she came down the stairs & said, "Morning, Vacuum. Vacuum hug? Vacuum kiss?" And proceeded to hug & kiss the vacuum. For her pre-Easter gift, there was only one logical choice -- a play vacuum cleaner. And it was a hit!!!!

As for me, Easter was wonderful as always. It was a good time of remembrance & spending some quality time with family & friends!!

1 comment:

Julie said...

Your girls are so beautiful, and it is fun for me to read your posts. I have many friends here in MA at Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary who are also in "Reading week," and I have heard the same, that although it is tempting to see it as a "break" it really is research heavy. One seminary dad of two said his wife's eyes lit up when she heard it was reading week and he could tell she was already making tons of fun plans for them. Sadly, he had to give her a reality check.
Hey, congratulations on Jason preaching; I hope to hear him someday! Happy Easter!!