So I started that new book I had mentioned earlier (I see no reason to mention it by name here, as I am getting ready to run it into the ground). I feel that I gave it it's due time & opportunity to leave a lasting impact. However, I found myself slightly disappointed. It seemed as though chapter after chapter was about saying "no" to everyone & everything, taking time out for yourself, & being in tune with your "needs." And while I appreciate the sentiment & agree that being overcommitted can be detrimental, it just seemed impractical . . . especially for me.
I went out with a friend on Thursday night & bounced some of my feelings & thoughts off of her. Let's face it ~~ I'm currently a seminary wife & soon-to-be pastor's wife . . . life ain't slowing down anytime soon!! So do I sit around lamenting the fact that I have no "ME Time," or am I grateful for the moment's I have (such as now, when my girls are sleeping in a bit) & live the rest of my moments by the grace of God, knowing that this is the life He has called me to?
I'm so sick of hearing about "margin" ~~ the concept that if my responsibilities outweigh my strengths, then I need to eliminate some responsibilities. Hello!! I'm a seminary wife with 2 children under the age of 3!! Of course my responsibilities outweigh my strengths . . . my human strengths, that is. Everyone seems to conveniently forget that God promises, "They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength. They shall mount up with wings as eagles. They will run & not grow weary. They will walk & not faint." So maybe instead of spending my free time pursuing a hobby of some sort, perhaps I should spend more of those moments waiting on the Lord, since that is what renews my strength.
Okay, enough of my soapbox. I picked up 2 new books that I've been thoroughly enjoying. As a mom, I can only read schnippets of chapters at a time & in this case, that's a good thing. The author packs so much thought-provoking content in each chapter that I can only handle a schnippet at a time! The books are When I Don't Desire God: How to Fight for Joy & Taste and See: Savoring the Supremacy of God in All of Life ~ both by John Piper.
Anyway, the girls are awake & I'm off to selflessly minister to my children. I'm sleep-deprived & overworked. I guess it's a good thing I don't live by margin, otherwise I'd have to cross them off my list!!! So I guess it's off to real life by the grace of God . . .
Thanks for sharing your thoughts, Christine! I've been wondering about time committments myself lately. I am definitely clinging to those verses in which God promises strength. I am struggling to know which voices to follow, the ones saying keep on and trust God's strength or say NO more often...
I am encouraged by reading your BLOG and your girls are indeed so beautiful! Keep on!!
t's such a important site. imaginary, quite interesting!!!
Great post, I am almost 100% in agreement with you
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