Friday, January 05, 2007

The Germs Have Invaded . . .

. . . and are taking up residence in my home!!! And the biggest victim of their nastiness -- poor, adorable, PITIFUL Caleigh!

Wednesday's night's ni-ni time proved most difficult. Starting at 9 o'clock, Caleigh woke up every 15 minutes crying for Daddy or Mommy. By 12:30 am, sleep was becoming a most precious commodity in our home. So, I spent the night with a feverish 2-year old flailing about in my waterbed.

We greeted the morning with a fever of 99 . . . by 11 o'clock we were up to 101.5 and so exhausted she was falling asleep in the middle of the livingroom floor . . . by 4 o'clock (& after a very restless nap) we were up to 103.1. I always wondered what age marked the I'm-sick-so-I'm-staying-in-bed era. And now I know. Caleigh is normally like clockwork -- up no later than 8 am, resistant to 2 pm naptime, in bed by 9 pm. But on Thursday, I took a phonecall from a friend around 10:30 am, and I noticed Caleigh was being unusually quiet -- there she was, curled up in Daddy's chair, fast asleep.

So, needless to say, we made a phonecall to the doctor's office & then got a second opinion from Aunt Sharon. And now, we are up to our eyeballs in Tylenol, Motrin, Benedryl, & Amoxicillan. Fortunately for me, she takes medicine like it's candy.

She seems to be back to her old self today. Her fever is down, her appetite is back, & she's insisting that every stuffed animal she owns needs a diaper. Ahh, good ol' Caleigh.

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