Wednesday, February 13, 2008

10 Things I LOVE about You . . .

10 Things I Love About PEYTON MARIE

1. her belly laugh
2. the way she sprawls out when she sleeps

3. her tenacity
4. the way she tries to verbalize her thoughts

5. her artistic nature
6. the way she gets over things so quickly

7. her carefree love of life
8. her inquisitiveness

9. the way she snuggles & kisses
10. the way she praises herself ("Yea, PeyPey!")

10 Things I Love About CALEIGH MORGAN

1. her smile
2. the peaceful way she sleeps

3. how pleased she is with herself when she does something good
4. the way she can make-believe so realistically

5. her love of small animals
6. her growing independence

7. her joy in running around naked
8. her exuberance

9. the way her mind works as she remembers things & puts ideas together
10. the songs she makes up as she dances around the livingroom


Kris, Sarah, Evan, Isaiah, Elena, and Anna said...

This was by far my favorite post you've published! Thanks for reminding me yet again what a blessing our children are.

Unknown said...

This is so sweet!