Today at work I found myself driving by an elementary school that was obviously in full holiday swing. The marquee out front announced the politically correct holiday musical "Elves in Musicland." I can't say for sure what the motives were of those who were responsible for approving this play, but I imagine it was an effort to keep from offending anyone. I guess they thought that by erasing the historical baby Jesus from the play and replacing Him with short-statured, pointy-eared mythical creatures that dance around in bell-clad pointed shoes they could keep the musical religiously neutral. Did they?
I guess they did not want to cater to a section of society that believed in a man that came a long time ago to spread love and kindess to a world that had little. He performed miracles for those who believed in him and promised to return shortly to reward his followers. His group call on him to grant their requests as he had promised to fulfill their greatest desires. WAIT A MINUTE !!! Are we talking about Jesus or Santa!?!
It struck me as ironic, as I pondered this thought, that in the name of religious neutrality they would change the focus of Christmas from that of Christ, whose followers say He died and rose again, to that of jolly old Saint Nick whose followers state is still living. I'm glad we took "faith" out of the schools!
Don't get me wrong, I'm not a Santa-squashing Scrooge. As a former follower of the "bowl full of jelly", I used to leave the cookies and coffee religiously (pun intended). I'm just trying to point out the lengths the world will go to supress the truth.
"For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their foolish hearts were darkened. Although they claimed to be wise they became fools and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images made to look like mortal man ... They exchanged the truth of God for a lie." (Rom 1:21-23,25)
On a lighter note I would like to state what a wonderful time of year it is. I am writing this after my date with my girls. Tonight Daddy, Caleigh, and Peyton all went shopping for mommy's gifts and stocking stuffers. We ooohed at the ten-feet-tall blow up Santas, Grinches, reindeer, snowmen, polar bears, and Homer Simpsons (your guess is as good as mine). We aaaahed at the blue, green, red, white, blinking, and twinkling lights on every tree, bush, house, fence, and porch. We sang eight rounds of "Jingey Bells" (a remake of the traditional "Jingle Bells" by Caleigh Morgan) and twelve rounds of "Piggey Pudden" (figgy pudding for those not fluent in Caleighnesian). I know we encountered crowded lots, long lines, and cranky people but the funny thing is I don't remember it. I only remember the two pairs of wide blue eyes staring at every shiny decoration. This is what Christmas memories are made of.
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