Friday, December 18, 2009

A Lesson Re-Learned

It has come to my attention that there are a few people who read this blog & learn from my mistakes . . . at least in the realm of parenting. Believe me, I fall on my face as often (okay, maybe more often) as I succeed. Well, here is a lesson that I just keep learning over and over and over again.

We have a standard chore chart at our house. A list of responsibilities that the girls are to take care of (with a good attitude) each day. At the end of the day, if everything is done with a good attitude, each girl gets a sticker. Fifteen stickers earns you a reward . . . ice cream, small toy, movie night, etc. And it works GREAT!!! We run like a well-oiled machine.

And then we hit a bump in the road . . .

The whining starts . . . "I'm huuuunnnnggggrrryyy. When's dinner rrreeeaaadddyyy?"
The bossing starts . . . "You're not doing it right. Give it to me. It's MINE!"
The disrespect starts . . . "You forgot my juice!"
The arguing starts . . . "I was there first! Get OFF!!"
The helplessness starts . . . "Mommy, I neeeeeed you. I can't reach it."

What to do? Last night was the third time we have come up against this problem. It's like the children forget all manners, kindness, respect, & helpfulness. Mommy turns into Mean Monster Mommy & everyone spends time on the Naughty Step!! The girls need more than a "check the chore chart" at the end of the day. They need immediate feedback on their behavior. And we need more peace in our home. And it hit me -- Wait! We've been here before! A year or so ago, we used flowers. Several months ago, we used marbles. And as of last night, we use STARS!

The STAR system:

Each girl has 15 construction paper stars. Caleigh's are pink & Peyton's are green (only because I didn't have any purple). If the girls are especially helpful, kind, respectful, good . . . they get to put a star on the fridge. If they are bossy, argumentative, disrespectful, not helpful . . . they take a star off the fridge. Once all 15 stars are earned, they get a sticker. It has been enlightening (and rather satisfying in that MasterMind Mommy sort of way) to see their faces when stars are taken away . . . as though they are shocked that ordering Mommy to get juice is disrespectful & that pulling your sister's hair to get her to move is NOT nice! I have also learned that a system like this is just temporary. It doesn't take them long for them to get with the program & re-train themselves to act like the true princesses they are! Mean Mommy turns back into Patient Mommy & our house becomes our peaceful sanctuary.

So take it for what it's worth. Do with it what you will. I think I need to go give some stars!


sharon said...

No little kids in the house but I love reading your blogs. Maybe I can remember some of this when the grandkids come along!

Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!