Tuesday, November 18, 2008

The Incredible Journey Continues

Where does the time go?? I am painfully aware of how overdue we are for an update. So here it is . . .

On Sunday, a very dear friend of mine handed me a CD -- as she often does -- of a group she wanted me to check out. Well, it was true love immediately!! And the very first song I heard has become my own personal anthem.

Joy unspeakable that won't go away
Just enough strength to live for today
So I'll never have to worry what tomorrow brings
'Cause my faith is on solid rock
I am counting on God!!

And that has been our experience in this, our 2nd year of seminary. It started out ordinary . . . the usual reading, the usual papers, the usual nights at the library. Jason was concentrating on some new responsibilities -- member of student forum, student representative to the board of trustees, member of the presidential search committee -- and continuing to excel in his studies. I was trying to keep my head above water with my new responsibilities -- Homeschooling Mom, AWANA Sparks secretary, drama ministry director, organizer/leader of the Evangelical Townhouse Ladies Bible study (the Real Housewives of Orange County have nothin' on us). It was time-consuming & rewarding & we were settling very nicely into a routine. And then . . .

Jason was laid off work. Now, granted, we are not living the high life here at seminary, but we do need income . . . badly. If there were ever a doubt in my mind that God is a God who can be trusted, all doubts are gone.

I cannot tell you what it is like to have groceries appear on your doorstep. Or to find $1000 in your church mailbox. Or to have someone hand you $40 when you know what a sacrifice that is for them. Or to have someone beg you to let them buy your children Christmas gifts. Or to have dear friends sorting through numerous boxes at our church's Freebay, looking for things that would be perfect for your children. The examples of God's amazing love & provision for our family is ENDLESS!!

At the moment, Jason is still laid off of work. And we are still surviving (on more than just tuna & beans).

More to come . . . the girls & I are currently off & running. We are going to meet Daddy to have an early Thanksgiving dinner with dear seminary friends.

Be back soon!


sharon said...

thanks for the update. glad to hear God is still on your side! never doubted it though. happy (upcoming) birthday!

Anonymous said...

Oh wow, Christine. I will definitely be praying and I'll ask my Mom to as well. Please keep us posted. We went through this as a family before moving to Clarks Summit and my memories of God's grace are vivid.
Much love,

mrsforeman said...

Gee those lyrics sound familiar...Oh, maybe because that's what I am listening to right now!!! Love it!
I am praying for you.

Shannon Jacobyansky said...

Our God is an awesome God! Thanks for sharing!