Another new year . . . another new decade . . . another chance to make & break a long, inspirational list of things we'd like to do better, like to change, like to lose, like to make . . . and so it goes. 2010 came in with a bang . . . or so I'm told. I don't know. I was asleep. Didn't even see the ball drop. And on January 1st, I did not awaken to a lengthy to-do list to complete or an exercise program to start or a stack of books to read or old friends to reconnect with.
What about my New Year's Resolutions, you ask?!?
Truth be told, I like New Year's. I like New Year's Resolutions. Not too far back on this blog, you will find a list of resolutions that I myself made. I think it's admirable to take stock of your life & write down new goals -- after all, people who write down their life goals are 80% more likely to achieve them. What I don't like is that feeling of insurmountable guilt that inevitably comes when the resolutions are broken. You give in to that decadent chocolate dessert. You sleep in instead of getting up early to run on the treadmill. You overspend on things you don't really need. You choose to watch old reruns of "I Love Lucy" instead of cleaning out your junk drawer. After a day or two of a lack of will power, what often happens?? The year has just started . . . you've already blown it . . . so why bother?!? And there go the New Year's resolutions . . .
But do you know what I love more than New Year's Resolutions? The hope I find in God's Word. It gives us hope for mistakes made. It gives us hope for change. It gives us hope that this year can be better than the last . . . not because of money made or pounds shed, but because this year our relationship with Christ will go deeper & the fire to know Him more will burn brighter. Psalm 139:23 says, "Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. Point out anything in me that offends You, and lead me along the path of everlasting life." This verse gives me hope that at any time (not just one popular day a year), I can ask to Lord to examine my heart & show me things that need change. And not only that I can, but that I should!
And when I fail ~ as I know I will ~ I don't need to toss all of my resolve aside & settle into the old routine. Lamentations 3:23 says, "Great is His faithfulness; His mercies begin afresh each morning." Each day is a new day & a new beginning with more than enough mercy & more than enough grace to change us into the people God desires for us to be.