Tuesday, May 08, 2007

My Biggest Fear

I came face-to-face with my biggest fear yesterday & walked away victorious . . . . I went to the dentist!!!!!

Now, I don't know how you feel about going to the dentist, but I HATE it! I would rather do anything than go to the dentist . . . anything. Just the thought of the dentist chair puts a knot in the pit of my stomach. I have been known to take Tylenol before a visit to the dentist in anticipation of the pain. A visit to the dentist for me equals an entire day of sweaty palms, butterflies in the stomach, & tension all over! But in light of Jason starting seminary in the fall, we will no longer have dental insurance. In a moment of pure insanity, I promised my mother that I would visit the dentist & have all my work done before the insurance is no more. What was I thinking!?!?

I'll freely admit . . . I'm a wimp!!!! Embracing that fact & adding to it the fact that I was certain there would be some work to be done (cavities, crowns, etc.), there was only one logical conclusion in my mind -- go to a dentist who practices sedation!!! And my wonderful husband graciously agreed.

And so, next week, I will undergo 5 different dental procedures . . . all from the comfort of Dreamland!!! Now that's going to the dentist! :)

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